Chatting with Todd from Louisville Ledgehogs

The Louisville Ledgehogs are a supporters group for both LouCity and Racing. I chatted yesterday with Todd Lanham who leads the group and runs their Twitter account.

FDLFC: Tell me a little bit about the GameDay experience with the Ledgehogs supporter group.

Todd: We just kicked off middle of last year so we're still trying to figure ourselves out. Our core group consists of 10 of us anchored at a couple of the tables on the ledge and some of our other members are further down. We partnered with the LouCity Dads to help get things off the ground. Most games we try to arrive an hour or so early. Get the flag up and walk around to say hello. We joined the Coopers March to the Match from Ten20 a few weeks back. Most of our members were an original group that went to games together from the first season on.

That's cool. Do you have a similar group for both LouCity and Racing?

Same core group. We rotate games due to our schedules and kids activities. One of our wives said that if the Ledgehogs were a movie, we'd probably be Old School…but without the streaking.

I love that. Are you Wilson, Ferrell or Vaughn?

Definitely Ferrell. What about yourself? How'd you get involved?

I always swore that whenever Louisville got a top tier sports team, I would be all in on day one. I share season tickets for LouCity with my brother and a friend, but my wife and I have 4 tickets for Racing.

Totally same. Have been trying to help with the NBA2Lou initiative for years. When I found out we had a chance for soccer, I was sold. All the different folks building from the ground up based on a pure passion has been one of the things I've enjoyed most.

Me too. What were your expectations prior to the season, and have they changed at all based on the on the field performance?

For Racing, my expectations were that we'd be competitive but I didn't think we'd have a chance at the playoffs. I had hoped we would have had a nationally known player but I've really enjoyed getting to know our group and see the new player we've added. Huge fan of Gemma and Ebony.

Are you excited about seeing Nadia Nadim on Sunday?

For sure...but just as much for the impact she can make here off the pitch. Can't wait to see her interviews.

Racing play the 7th, 9th and 10th place teams the next 3 matches. What's a good point return for those matches?

I'd say at least 5 points but would love to see 7.

5 was my expectation too. Do you have a favorite piece of Racing merch?

Well...I was hoping it would be a signed Salmon jersey, but I got outbid at the last minute. I tried to get Salmon, Emina or Gemma but lost them all...otherwise my purple shoes to match my purple Racing Nike t-shirt. I tried to buy one of the Hawaiian shirts but it didn't fit my Will Ferrell build.

I like the Nike Racing shirt too. Probably my go-to shirt. I don't know if you've been following my Skyline Chili War with Benton on Twitter. Have an opinion on Skyline?

I've maybe had it 3 times in my life and usually because someone else picked it. I don't get the hype. I guess if I was drunk it might sound, it's from Cincy, so…

I'm going to put you in the Skyline=”Meh" category.

Agree. I can see him defending it though. I defend mint juleps the same way.

I am 100% pro mint julep. Thanks for answering my questions.

Enjoyed it. Thanks again for reaching out! Go Racing!

Follow the Ledgehogs on Twitter @Ledgehogs


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