Racing Officially signs Jess McDonald
Courtesy EM Dash Photography
Jess McDonald officially signed a two-year contact with Racing Louisville today. If “winning the press conference” is a real thing, then she won this one 3-0. Here are the three items she “won”:
She wants to be here. She mentioned that Louisville was one of only two destinations that she asked her agent to pursue. She also mentioned that she wanted to be in a “family environment”, especially for her son. McDonald said that she wasn’t a big city person, so my assumption is that she sees Louisville as a bit of a small town, which if you have lived here for any time at all you realize that it sort of is. It has most big city amenities and most big city headaches, so let’s try to keep those headaches to a minimum as we welcome Jess.
It is clear that she sees herself as a veteran leader. Racing was young last year and may be even younger this year. McDonald sounds willing and eager to take on the leadership role. I put her as the even money favorite for team captain. Regardless of whether that honor is bestowed on her, she will definitely be a leader on the pitch.
She has a winning personality. She started off the press conference with a joke about needing a chap stick sponsorship and seemed at ease in front of the camera. To my eyes and ears, I could see her being in front of a camera after her playing career is over if that is something that interests her. I don’t want to call out any players or be too harsh on players since their job is to play soccer, but if I ever needed a quote after a match, Jess would be first on my list.
It was simply a great introductory press conference. Let’s hope she continues her success on the pitch.