Louisville v Houston Pre Match Thoughts
Courtesy Connor Cunningham
Louisville looks to secure firm control of their Challenge Cup group on Wednesday at home vs. the Houston Dash. A win would give them 9 points from 3 macthes and put Houston's chances of advancement to the knockout stage in serious danger. Coach Björkegren has stated on more than one occasion that he wants to win every competition that the team plays, so I believe that he will once again put forward a strong squad.
Houston hasn't put out heavily rotated squads for the Challenge Cup either, and could once again run out their starters. Since Houston plays on Saturday and Louisville on Sunday, there may be slightly more reason for Houston to rotate more than Louisville. Louisville has yet to see what it's defense looks like without Erceg, but she is the only remaining outfield player to play every minute of every competition this season. While she definitely deserves a break, she is so smart in how she manages matches that I wouldn't say that a rest is required. Still, Pikkujämsä, Holloway, Lester, and Murray could fill the 2 centerback spots. I can't imagine that Lester wouldn't start, so I think either Murray or Pikkujämsä probably complement her better than Holloway, who might still see action a left back. I think we likely see Chidiac and Baggett in starting roles again. Louisville's forwards haven't exactly distinguished themselves recent, so a start for Fischer or Goins isn't out of the question.
Maybe the big local story is that if all things go well prior to the match this week, we could see Ekic make her first squad on Wednesday night. Even 30 minutes is probably too much for her right out of the gate, but I would wager that Björkegren holds back a late substitution spot for her. Then again, you never quite know what he might do. I think the goal would be to get Ekic ready to fill in as a substitute up front during the last three Challenge Cup matches which take place during the World Cup, so this is likely her best chance for minutes until then.