Spirit v Racing Preview

Courtesy Racing Louisville

If you were wondering how hot it had to be before Coach Björkegren would wear short sleeves, the answer is however hot it was at practice this morning. He has been asked several times why he is always in long sleeves, and he has always responded that his is used to the temperature in Cyprus. I guess today was even hotter than he was accustomed to enduring. The big(ish) midweek news is that Tobin Heath's rights were traded to the OL Reign for $50 000 in allocation money and a 2nd and 4th round pick. In other words, Heath's rights were sold for the opportunity to pay another player and a hope and a prayer. To get anything for Heath's rights is a “win” I guess. Maybe we can finally declare the mess cleaned up from that jackass of a previous coach. I get hammered every time I say this, but that won't stop me from saying it again: I'm not sure there is tremendous value in the NWSL college draft after the first round. There have surely been some great picks in the 2nd round, but I think after that, the picks aren't of much value. There are 3 main factors why I believe this. 1) The rounds keep getting bigger (it has increased by 33% since the 2019 draft). 2) Free Agency will be starting next year. 3) Team can acquire International players outside of the draft process. If Racing can convince some other team that there is value in some of its 5 current picks after the first round, then I wish them the best of luck. Also Coach Kim said today publicly (again) that he likes a small squad, so does having 6 picks in next year's draft reconcile with that strategy?

Oh well, at least there is a match to talk about too. Racing continue its current stretch of facing teams that very badly need a win too. The Spirit haven't won since May 1st. They seem to be having an extended hangover since the Challenge Cup. Their form has fairly placed them 8th in the table based on being 8th in both goals scored and conceded. It is hard to fathom that at some point they won't turn things around.

In Racing news, Emily Fox will miss 3 matches very soon for the CONCACAF Championship (hurray?), so Coach Björkegren discussed opportunities for other players to step up in a few weeks. I have seen some suggestions that the Challenge Cup might be a good tournament to play in the international breaks. I kind of like that idea. I definitely like it more than experiencing 3 matches without Fox and possibly Howell. However, they will be around until the end of June and Racing desperately needs at least a point on Friday. If you are still with me at this point, let me say one more semi-controversial thing: I wonder what Savannah McCaskill would lhave looked like at the top of Racing's press. Last year she definitely over dribbled a bit much for my liking, but she sure is a nuisance. The reason I bring this up, is that there seems to be a bit of a sting missing at the top of Racing's press at the moment. They haven’t scored from pressing in a while. To my best recollection, they haven't gotten one directly from the press since Davis’ goal vs. Houston. I won't pin the blame on a single player, but maybe a fresh look up front is what the doctor orders. On the opposite end of the pitch, the defense simply can'tgive up multiple goals again. I tweeted earlier this week that Racing are the league’s worst team in protecting a 1-0 lead. Here is that graphic again.

Racing's coach and players keep saying the right things about needing to be better in the “details”. Their high line is always going to leave them vulnerable to a certain type of attack. On all 3 goals that Angel City scored, there was either a player out of position or in a really bad match-up. If that happens again expect Rodman or Hatch to make them pay again .


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