Racing 2 - Angel City 3 Post Match Thoughts

Courtesy USA Today Sports Images

Last night’s match was a microcosm of Racing’s season so far: so many things to like in style and effort, but not enough concentration in the key moments. It’s way too early to write off any team this season but Racing just has the look of a team that seems to be one more offseason away from becoming the club they want to be. That’s not to say that the playoffs are beyond them, but they definitely need to figure out how to keep a lead if the club is going to make a run this year.

  • Racing took a well-deserved early lead on Gemma Bonner’s excellent 29th minute goal. From the time she placed the ball DeMelo knew she was going to hit the ball low and hard (she confirmed this for me after the match when we spoke) and hope for good things to happen, which they did. From the view in my seat, I could tell that DeMelo was not standing over the ball in her typical manner for curling one toward the goal. Her two options were to loft a soft ball to the back post, or put her laces through it. If you watch the replay, you can see Chidiac running away toward the top of the box after talking to DeMelo and as soon as that happened, I said to myself “laces”. Seconds later DeMelo drove the ball toward the goal and got the deflection she was after. It was not the usual free kick that you see teams take from that spot. I believe if Ekic has been in the match at this point, she would have been given the kick and curled a shot in with her left foot. I appreciated the creativity shown by DeMelo in that situation.

  • Angel City equalized on a very direct play in the 36th minute, but I believe that goal had actually been greatly assisted by Angel City’s formation and plan to neutralize Fox. Christen Press had not been greatly involved in the match up to that point, but the one thing that she did was let the Racing defenders know that she was playing centrally (something she obviously can do but tends to prefer the wings). The great thing about Emily Fox is that she can defend pretty much anyone, but she can’t be everywhere at once. If Angel City had deployed Press wide from the start, I am fairly certain that Fox would have picked that side to defend and stuck with her pretty much all night. However, whether it was through planning or not (I have to assume it was) Angel City were able to disguise how they were planning to use Press in attack right up until the moment they needed a goal. On the goal Press was still deployed pretty centrally, but was definitely more on the right hand side. Racing’s defense had shifted over to that side too, but was not ready for the long ball and when it came in, Bonner was the closest defender and no other defender had time to help. Press easily beat Bonner and slotted the goal into the net. I believe that since she hadn’t really been involved up until that point, Racing had lost track of Press. It was a clever deployment of her by not giving Racing the chance to put its best defender on her, and I give the Angel City coaches credit for that.

  • The other two goals conceded by Racing were brought on by lapses in concentration. Angel City’s second goal came as a direct result of not being ready for the counter from a throw in deep in its attacking half. Neely Martin took the throw in, which ultimately put her way out of position for the counter. It's almost pro forma for the left or right backs to take the throw ins, but Racing has used McDonald for throws ins deep in their half several times this year. With a throw in so deep, I think a quick counter is always the risk and once again Press made Racing pay. She was given all kinds of space on the right-hand side and sent Olofsson the wrong way once she entered the box. Then she has an absolutely exquisite little left footed chip to the back post which Savannah McCaskill headed in from an unmarked position. On the second goal, there seemed to be a breakdown in communication. There was a very good pass into Simone Charley from Le Bihan which Lester seemed to have covered, but Lund for some reason decided to come for the ball and clattered into Charley to concede the penalty. Even if Lester doesn’t get there, she had Bonner there for help. There was really no need to have Lund come off of her line in that situation, but she did and McCaskill scored her second of the night from the penalty spot.

  • For Racing fans, I am sure it was a tough night to see Press get a goal and an assist and McCaskill score twice. Press reminded us of her overall fantastic quality and maybe showed that Racing is missing a super-elite level goal scorer (McDonald is great, but still doesn’t score at Press’s rate.) The McCaskill goals probably were the toughest ones to process. McCaskill was a fan favorite and I couldn’t help but feel a little happy for her. I spoke with her for about a minute after the match and she was gracious in victory. She really is a player you love to have on your team, and hate to play against. She was her usual wrecking-ball self, but deployed in a much better position for her and her team. Racing simply misused her, and while that was most-assuredly out of necessity, it was a necessity of its own making. With the departures of Kizer and Merrick this week, not much of the expansion draft is left. I believe Racing is on the right track, but it’s hard not to think that if Coach Björkegren has been given the keys to the club in year 1 vs. year 2, maybe the team is a bit further along. I think McCaskill might have really liked to play for Coach Kim. She really seems to have the qualities that he values. I will never apologize for being happy for seeing a player find the right team and situation, and I think Savannah may have found it at Angel City.

  • It was great to see Nadia Nadim open her account for the season. If Racing are to turn its fortunes around, Nadia will have to be one of the keys.


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Racing 2 - Angel City 3 Player Ratings